Site Organization:
The "About Us" tab is a launch pad that will eventually give you much more depth into who we are.
Yup..I will keep adding content to this area (yes Mom I promise that this time I will do it....maybe.....heheheheh)
The "Contact Us" tab basically gives you the current email addresses for D and I.
The "Kaz Journey" is our now infamous blog written 5 years ago that covered (on a daily basis) the process for how we brought Ethan and Isabella into the Correia Family. This is pretty much a photo blog since I'm big into photography and we tried to inject some humor into it.....I'm told it's quite entertaining and I'm so glad that so many people like reading it.
The "China Journey" will be our developing story that starts on October 23, 2007 as we go to China to bring back Aeryn Elisabeth Correia. Please join us as we update our story through pictures, type and perhaps a video or two.
Of course it will be heavily censured since we are writing it but it should give you a nice feel (sort of) for our International Adoption experience.

The Correia Family Website
This page was last updated on: October 28, 2007
Hi there. We are the Correia Family!
For those of you that already know us, welcome back. For those of you that are new, we are the Correias and we publish this website to let you know who we are and to share a peek at some of our (mis)adventures in international adoption.
5 years ago Denise and I travelled to Kazahkstan and brought back our two kids Ethan & Isabella Correia (they're in the picture on the left).
Now 5 years later, we're at it again but this time we are going to China to bring back our daughter
Aeryn Elisabeth Correia
So sit back and watch the action as Denise and I embark on the journey of a lifetime (again) to add 1 more mouth to feed...I mean child into the Correia Family.
Please be sure to sign our Guest Book.
How else do we know you're really looking at the site.
Also we love to hear your good wishes and we do plan on keeping everything you write for the kids.
Other Bits:
Oh, now that I have your attention here's some additional information on this particular part of the Correia Family and also a bit about how the site is built. Reading this may save some time in the long run in case you're looking for some other Correia Family (its a very big family)
This Correia Family is composed of Cary Correia (that handsome gent above) and Denise Buzy Pucheu (the pretty young thing pictured above).
Cary was born and raised in Canada and his parents names are Michael and Cicely Correia. Denise was born and raised in New York and her parents were Leon and Marie Buzy-Pucheu. Cary has a sister Jennifer who lives in Canada with her kids Michelle and Julian. Denise has her brother Ed who lives in LI, NY and Monique who lives in NY, NY. We presently reside in CT.